If you are seeking an excellent house pet, then a cat is an excellent choice. However, people who are unfamiliar with cats need to educate themselves on proper ways to raise a cat. Here you are going to find some ideas on how to properly care for a cat so he or she can live a happy life.
Your cat needs to be groomed properly. You should comb and/or brush them on a regular basis. If you do this frequently you’ll be able to help the cat have clean fur. Having a clean fur coat helps reduce the amount of hairballs that get spit up around the house. Keeping your cat nicely groomed will keep him and your home looking their best.
Never use something that is intended for a canine on your feline. Cats can have strong negative reactions to a product that is formulated for a dog. This particularly applies to flea products. These products can be fatal for your cat. If your dog has been treated for fleas, keep him away from your cat for at least three hours.
Prevent your cat from getting zapped by coating exposed wires with bitter apple. Most office stores sell a tube that you can stick all of your wires and cords through if the spray doesn’t work. Loose cords can be bundled and tucked inside old paper towel rolls. The cords on electronics should be hidden as well.
Cats can really scratch up your home. You need to get a scratching post or a cat tower to prevent your cat from ruining your furniture. Put cat nip on it to attract them to it. This approach takes time, but it usually works.
Do not isolate the litter box in a distant place. The box should be out of the high traffic areas and a good distance from where your cat eats. Allow for adequate ventilation to dispel any odors. Your cat and you will prefer this in the end.
Make sure your cat gets lots of love. Cats are looking for a response in kind in exchange for all of the friendly companionship they offer to humans. Your cat needs to socialize and get plenty of attention from everyone in your family. They want nothing more than to be an integral part of your family.
If you’re thinking about raising an outdoor cat, you should strongly reconsider. It is dangerous in today’s society. They can get fleas, feline AIDS or even leukemia. Additionally, your cat is likely to be injured by cars or other animals. If letting your cat outdoors is important to you, let them out in a safe fenced area.
Cats enjoy being in high places. To keep your cat happy, offer him a spot of his own up high where he can survey his kingdom. If you’re averse to cat trees for some reason, a shelf without breakable items will work. Make sure that this area is comfortable for your cat.
If you notice your cat urinating more frequently or outside his litter box, then it might be time to see the vet. Many cats develop these behaviors in response to a health problem, such as urinary tract infections. Most of the time, these conditions can be resolved with relatively affordable antibiotic treatments.
Have your cat vaccinated as often as your vet prescribes. Your cat needs these periodic checks and particular immunizations in order to stay healthy. Your cat is a member of your family, so treat them like any valued member of your home.
If your pet is avoiding its litter box, try moving it to a different spot. A cat will be more inclined to use the litter box if it is placed in a quiet and safe area in your home. A basement, laundry room, or another area that doesn’t experience much household traffic is the ideal spot for the litter box.
Happy dogs wag their tail. A cat wagging its tail can have a very different meaning. Tail-wagging in cats may indicate conflict. If kitty starts wagging his tail while you’re holding him, it’s best to put him down so you don’t get scratched.
Give the cat a collar with your contact information. Even if you own an indoor cat, it’s possible he or she might escape. If this should happen, you will have a better chance of getting your cat back home.
Avoid leaving a declawed feline outside unattended. It can’t defend itself with no claws. Cats should only be declawed if they’re going to be inside fulltime. Even with that, only their front claws should be removed. Don’t remove the back claws. This will help ensure that your cat remains safe in case it gets outside, and back claws will not scratch any furniture.
Choosing a cat is an excellent decision. They can really be comforting. Still, it is important to learn as much as possible about cat care so that both of you are happy. Take the tips above to heart, and carve out a life that the two of you can enjoy.
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