Like people, cats require balanced diets with good nutrition. Without the right nutrition, cats can get sick. You will learn a lot about caring for your feline friend if you read this article.
Cats really enjoy squeezing into any and all small spaces. Collars can be a safety risk if your kitty gets stuck. Purchase breakaway collars that will give if they are yanked tightly. It can really be a life saver for your cat.
You can make your old cat feel better thanks to a hot tile placed under its bed. A terra cotta tile about a foot square is ideal. You can warm it with a 15-20 minute stop in your oven, set to approximately 200 degrees. Place it in an older towel and place it underneath of the feline’s bed. If necessary, you can change out the tile after a few hours to provide continued warmth.
You can keep your cat away from electrical cords by spraying them with some bitter apple. If the cat likes to chew on cords, its best to cover them as best you can. You can bundle loose cords into paper towel rolls that are old. Any electrical cords that are really thin (and very tempting) should really be hidden whenever possible.
Microchips are an increasingly popular form of pet protection. Even cats who live completely indoors may someday decide to bolt out the door or escape out of a window. Tags and collars are great, but if a cat escapes them, there’s no guaranteeing they’ll make it home safe and sound. Your important information can all fit nicely on a rice grain sized microchip. Many vets and shelters have scanners that can read these chips and since they lie under their skin, they won’t get lost.
Most cats prefer to be mostly nocturnal. Your cat will probably be very active during the night. If your busy kitties are keeping you up into the wee hours, try simply closing your bedroom door. This can keep them from waking you up at night and from pouncing on feet under the blankets.
The correct location is important when picking a spot for a cat’s litter box. It shouldn’t be put in an area with high traffic and should be far from their food. The area should also be well ventilated so that it doesn’t smell too badly. Your cat is certain to appreciate a litter box that is put into a good location.
Receiving plenty of positive, loving attention is important for your cat. Cats are by nature companion animals, but that companionship goes two ways. Cats thrive when treated like part of the household, so involve them in daily activities around the house. They want to feel like a valuable, happy family member, too.
Cats have a love affair with heights. Your cat will appreciate being on top of a cupboard, fridge or anywhere they can surrey their environment. If you’d rather not invest in a cat tree, simply use a large shelf or bookcase without any breakable items. Providing a blanket or bed for your cat is an extra treat for them.
Avoid spending too much time trying to train your cat to utilize its litter box. This is natural to them and does not need to be taught. Don’t force your cat into the box or you will traumatize them.
Purchase a drinking fountain for your cat. Cats out in the wild like to drink from running water, so they would like that at home too. Cats respond well to this stream of water. You may have noticed that a dripping sink faucet quickly attracts their attention. A fountain keeps the water moving without letting any go to waste.
Feed canned food to your cat. Although dry food is usually less expensive, canned food is better for your cat. The moist food gives your cat water, and it usually has more protein and fat in it. It’s also much softer on older teeth if your cat is getting up there in years. You should listen to what your vet recommends, though.
If you wish to add another cat to your home, give it a couple weeks for your old cat and your new cat to grow accustomed to each other. They may swat at each other or hiss; that’s nothing to be concerned about. Your cats will grow used to the presence of the other animal and will eventually get along.
Consider the placement of your cat’s litter box. Your first instinct will be to put it in a nook or cranny so that you won’t see or smell it. This litter box must stay in an easy-to-find spot for your cat. To satisfy a cat’s demanding requirements, the litter box needs to be sited somewhere convenient and comfortable. Keeping litter boxes on cement floors that are cold can be remedied by placing a rug or mat under it.
Diet is a huge factor in any cat’s health. Eating too much of the wrong foods, or too little of the right foods can put your cat in terrible shape, and even cut their life span. Provide your cat with nutritious foods that give them the opportunity to live a long healthy life.
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